E is for Each of us, God loves everyone.
A is for A broken world, so He sent His son.
S is for our Sins Jesus took away.
T is for the Tomb where he lay for 3 whole days.
E is for the Empty tomb, the stone was rolled away.
R is for the Risen Lord. Jesus is alive today!
Song Time
Story Time
Do you like getting Easter Eggs at Easter time? Maybe you have been or are going to go on an Easter Egg Hunt over the Easter holidays? But have you ever wondered what eggs have to do with Easter. Here is Douglas to answer that question.
Materials Needed:
Canvas Board
Masking Tape
What to do:
Write Easter message on canvas board with marker
Make Cross shape with Masking tape, covering words, as shown
Place blobs of paint over board
Using fingers or sponge spread paint so board is completely covered with paint
Let paint dry out slightly
Remove masking tape
Leave to dry completely
Song Time
Get Ready for Next Time
Next week it's all about fish!
The items you need to have to join in with the craft are:
Small magnets
lolly sticks
paper clips
glue stick
sticky tape
Download and print out pdf file below